Another one of the literally hundreds of Reggae labels
which came and went during the 1970s, usually leaving little or no impression on
the world of music. The address on the first example indicates that Tip
Top, which was a record shop, was based in Green Street, London
E7. It put out at least four singles on its own label in
1978. The catalogue number of K. Christian's 'No Justice For The Poor',
TTR-001, was straightforward, but subsequent releases were numbered 2964, 5185
and 5187. Those number appear to be those of the Jamaican originals; that
was certainly the case with the Jah Ted's 'Rasta Cry' (TTR-5187), which came out
on Living Music GL-5187 in that country. Thanks to Robert Bowes,
who brought the Tip Top label to my attention and provided the first two
Copyright 2009 Robert