RCA Discography
This discography covers only the 1970s, and there are quite
a few gaps, some of which may be down to
numbers not being used. Manufacture up to the spring of 1975 was mainly by CBS, after which RCA's
own plant took over the job. Pressings from the two plants
are distinctive; I've put a question mark next to 'CBS' singles that I've
only seen in pictures, but on visual evidence I'm pretty sure that they were actually CBSes.
Plus marks indicate that pressings were done by more than one company,
usually CBS and / or RCA and / or
any combination of Linguaphone and Phonodisc, with Decca, Lyntone and Pye contributing on occasions. Pressings that were
only done by Linguaphone have 'LING'
in the 'MANU' column, Lyntones 'LYN'. Numbers with an 'EX' added to them were pressed in the
USA specifically for export to the UK.

Copyright 2007 Robert Lyons.