POLYDOR Discography
This discography only
covers the 1970s, and it is full of holes. Some of these holes can be
accounted for by the fact that singles with those numbers were released overseas
and not in Britain. Indeed, it is possible that a few of the singles
listed below may only have been issued abroad - trying to put this discography
together has been a mind-numbing job, and I may have let some foreigners slip
through the net; so, be warned. Polydor entered the '70s with its
catalogue numbers in a 56000 series; this was superseded by various 2000-000
series, of which 2058-000 (later 2059-000 and then POSP-0) was the main
one. Presumably the first four numbers indicated different sources -
for example, it seems possible that the 2058s were home-grown, as it were, and
the 2001s and 2066s were licensed product. For the sake of easy
reference I have grouped the records together by prefix instead of listing them
in order of date of issue.
Copyright 2008 Robert Lyons.