Apparently a small
independent label, or possibly a custom recording outfit. Tee-Cee
managed at least three releases, all of them in 1978 and all made through SRT.
Gaberlunzie's single 'Blue & White For Scotland' b/w 'Land Of
MacDonald' (SRTS/CUS-78116) was the first; it was closely followed by 'I Will'
b/w 'Secret Love' (SRTS/CUS-78117) by Rygby Darnell. An EP by Kay King
featuring 'Stand By Your Man' and three other tracks (SRTS/78/CUS-128) followed
shortly afterwards; it had a pale blue label with black
printing. Thanks to Nicholas Hough for the scan, and to Stephen Small
for bringing the last two Tee-Cees to my attention. I would guess that
'Tee Cee' stands for the initials of the person through whom the
records were made - googling doesn't come up with any studios of that

Copyright 2013 Robert