A novelty, in several
ways. My Record records were manufactured and distributed by Marx
Toys; they were intended to be used with that company's 'My Record Player',
which was a very basic toy gramophone for children, though the sleeve boasted
that they could be played on any record player. The records were 6"
in diameter - so I suppose that, strictly speaking, they shouldn't be included
on this site; but what the heck - and they played at 78 rpm. There
were dozens of different titles to choose from. Catalogue numbers
were in an LM-00 series, which had previously been used by another 6" 78rpm
children's label, Kidditunes: the final Kidditune was LM-56, which was
issued in 1967; the first My Record was LM-57. The first batch of My
Records came out in 1974, a smaller batch following in 1978. A small
number of records were included in with the record player; additional ones could
be ordered from Marx Toys. The content was very much what you would
expect, a mixture of nursery rhymes and children's songs. Marx Toys
- the British Branch of American firm Louis Marx & Co., founded in 1919 -
ceased trading in 1978. The discography below is rather on the incomplete
side - it starts off confidently enough but then falters. Still, I suppose
it's better than nothing. Marginally.

Copyright 2009 Robert