DCA appears to have been a one-off label; at any rate googling has
failed to come up with any DCA records other than the one shown above, a single
called 'Disco Calypso' by White Magic. As can be seen the single had a
catalogue number of DD-001. There's no date on the label, but the vendor
had it listed as 1976, which isn't impossible. The song isn't especially
discoish or calypsoey, despite the presence of hissing cymbals: it's urgent Pop
/ Rock with some jazzy saxophone. There's a guitar-led instrumental
version on the reverse. A single with the same title appeared in 1981, by
Hot Cuisine on the Kaleidoscope label (KRLA-1661), but the writer credit on that
was given to Hot Cuisine and the producer was Biddu, so the two songs don't have
any obvious connection. 'Biskop & Co.' is mentioned on the label of
this one, but the only company of that name that I can find is a firm of ship's
chandlers based in Belvedere, Kent. I suppose it's possible that they may
have sponsored the record, but it's a long shot. Pressing was by
Copyright 2012 Robert Lyons.