A Reggae label, initially an offshoot of
Lee Gopthal's B&C company and latterly associated with the
Trojan group. Amalgamated served
as a vehicle for Joe Gibbs productions. It received what
appears to have been its only mention
in the Music Trade press in 'Record Retailer' of the 3rd
of January 1968, which described it as one of two new labels that were being
started by Musicland (the retail arm of B&C), the other being Blue Cat. The article added
that Musicland also ran the Coxsone label. The attribution to Musicland may have been
a misunderstanding, as an advert in 'Billboard' of the
25th of May 1968 listed the three
labels plus Action and Tabernacle (q.v. both) as members of the
B&C Group and said that Musicland, with its fourteen shops, was the company's retail division.
According to the advert distribution was by Island and Philips at the time. Neither Coxsone
nor Blue Cat lasted into the '70s but Amalgamated survived until
the spring of 1971, when it was succeeded by
Trojan's 'Pressure Beat' label (q.v.) - there was a
couple of months overlap between the two.
One basic label design served throughout but the
logo grew: it started out silver-on-blue (1), became blue-on-silver (2) in August 1968
with AMG-821, and gained a silver surround (3) in 1969, with AMG-847 - the
second type made a brief return in August / September
1970 with AMGs 865 and 866. Catalogue numbers were mainly in an
AMG-800 series, but there was a short-lived 'Sacred Series' with numbers
in the SS-000s. As is the case with
most early Reggae records, Amalgamated's singles are very collectable. Manufacture seems to have been generally by Orlake, as
it was for B&C's other labels during that period. Thanks to
Dr. Doom of the 45cat site for the use of the
first scan here. The discography below only covers the 1970s.
Copyright 2006 Robert Lyons.